Productivity is achieved through the use of Equipment in Celestial Frontier. Equipment represents something that can accomplish work. Work is anything that accomplishes something over time within the game. Equipment is installed within a facility. When installed, equipment is used to complete jobs and are heavily influential in how long the job takes to complete.
When using a facility interface that has one or more job executors, you will be able to navigate to the Job Executor directly to see more information about it. Within that screen, you may queue jobs for installing equipment or uninstalling equipment relative to that job executor. For example, a Construction Drone can be installed in most facilities, but a Fincture can only be installed inside of a Workspace that resides in an Engineering Facilility.
Each facility is built to a certain size. Facilities have a finite quantity of volume within them. In many cases, facilities are built with multiple rooms, each becoming its own Job Executor. In either case, the Job Executor volume limits the equipment that can be installed. The equipment must fit within the volume. If a facility has only 3m³ of volume remaining, you may not install a Construction Drone that is 5m³.
Each job executor block contains a row of links to the equipment within that facility. The facility is represented by two letter abbreviations (AA for Assembly Array, CD for Construction Drone). Clicking on a link will open the equipment information within a modal dialog. There is no limit to the total number of installed equipment items, however it may not be optimal to have a lot of equipment due to limitations when dealing with work batches.
All equipment in Celestial Frontier are unique items. Equipment is not stackable. Because equipment is so complex to create, it breaks out of the format of an stackable item (with an assembly footprint) and becomes its own product with its own stats. Each type of equipment will have different stats, though some stats will be common among many or all types of equipment. In some future version, Equipment may have to be maintenanced and parts may have to be rebuilt or replaced over time. In the current version of Celestial Frontier, Equipment never degrades.
In general, most equipment is assembled in an Engineering Facility using an Assembly Array out of a common set of components (Equipment Frames, Power Cores, Processors, Motors, and so on). Any piece of equipment that is assembled this way can be disassembled to repurpose or exchange parts. It can be a worthwhile investment to disassemble and upgrade various parts for different jobs.