The hangar is a cargo bay like facility that holds Ships instead of items. Ships can be moved in and out of hangars using any Connected Logistics Hub. Ships within a hangar can operate normally, have equipment installed within them, and even run Engineering Facility jobs.
The capacity of a hangar is only limited by its Volume. There is no limit to the total amount of mass that can exist within a hangar at this time. The volume capacity is entirely dictated by the size of the facility itself. Larger hangar hold more ships.
The total capacity of a hangar is reduced by the volume of Installed Equipment. For more information, see Shared Facility Volume Capabilities.
At this time, many jobs will attempt to pull ships from or push ships into an arbitrary hangar that is within the same Interactable Base or is in a Connected Facility. To help control which items are put in what hangars, you can enable or disable exports on each hangar.
Future Plans: Enhancing the ability to control what jobs are utilizing which hangars is on the road map, similar to Cargo Bays